Decorating Pull Requests

Pull Request decoration is available as part of Developer Edition and above.

You can add SonarQube analysis and a Quality Gate to your Pull Requests (PR) in your ALM provider's interface.

Pull Request Decoration by provider

Click your ALM provider below to expand the instructions on decorating your Pull Requests.

GitHub Enterprise and

For GitHub Enterprise, the minimum version is 2.14

Creating a GitHub App

To add Pull Request decoration in GitHub checks, an instance administrator needs to create a GitHub App:

  1. Follow Steps 1–4 here to start creating your GitHub App.

  2. Under GitHub App name, give your app a name (such as SonarQubePRChecks).

  3. GitHub requires a Homepage URL and a Webhook URL. These values aren't important for Pull Request decoration, so you can use any URL (such as

  4. Grant access for the following Permissions

    Permission Access
    Checks Read & write
    GitHub Enterprise: Repository metadata Metadata
    Pull Requests Read-only
    Commit statuses Read-only
  5. Under "Where can this GitHub App be installed?," select Any account.

  6. Click Create GitHub App. This will take you to your new GitHub App's page.

  7. Scroll down to the bottom of your app page and click Generate Private Key. This downloads a .pem file that you'll use in the Setting your global settings section.

Installing your app

Install your GitHub App from the app's settings page. See the GitHub instructions for more information.

Setting your global settings

To set your global settings in SonarQube, navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration and select the GitHub tab.

From here, set your Configuration Name, GitHub Instance URL, GitHub App ID, and your GitHub App's Private Key (that was generated above in the Creating a GitHub App section).

Note: Make sure the Configuration name is succinct and easily recognizable as it will be used at the project level to identify the correct ALM configuration.

Setting your project settings

Go to Administration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration, select your Configuration Name, and set your Repository identifier.

Bitbucket Server

Minimum BitBucket Server version 5.15

A Bitbucket Server user account is used to decorate Pull Requests. We recommend creating a dedicated Bitbucket Server account with Administrator permissions to decorate Pull Requests. You need a Personal Access Token from this account with Write permission for the repositories that will be analyzed.

To add Pull Request decoration on Bitbucket Server, you also need to update your global and project settings.

Setting your global settings

To set your global settings in SonarQube, navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration and select the Bitbucket Server tab.

From here, set your Configuration name, Bitbucket Server URL, and the Personal Access Token of the account you're using to decorate your Pull Requests.

Note: Make sure the Configuration name is succinct and easily recognizable as it will be used at the project level to identify the correct ALM configuration.

Setting your project settings

Go to Administration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration, select your Configuration name, and set your Project Key and Repo Slug.

Azure DevOps Server

An Azure DevOps Server user account is used to decorate Pull Requests. We recommend creating a dedicated Azure DevOps Server account with Administrator permissions to decorate Pull Requests. You need a Personal Access Token from this account with the scope authorized for Code > Read & Write for the repositories that will be analyzed.

To add Pull Request decoration on Azure DevOps Server, you also need to update your global and project settings.

Setting your global settings

To set your global settings in SonarQube, navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration and select the Azure DevOps Server tab.

From here, set your Configuration name and the Personal Access Token of the account you're using to decorate your Pull Requests.

Note: Make sure the Configuration name is succinct and easily recognizable as it will be used at the project level to identify the correct ALM configuration.

Setting your project settings

Go to Administration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration and select your Configuration name.

GitLab Self-Managed and

For GitLab Self-Managed, the minimum version is 11.7

A GitLab user account is used to decorate Merge Requests. We recommend creating a dedicated GitLab account with at least Reporter permissions (the account needs permission to leave comments) to decorate Merge Requests. You need a Personal Access Token from this account with the scope authorized for api for the repositories that will be analyzed.

To add Merge Request decoration to GitLab, you also need to update your global and project settings.

Setting your global settings

To set your global settings in SonarQube, navigate to Administration > Configuration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration and select the GitLab tab.

From here, set your Configuration name and the Personal Access Token of the account you're using to decorate your Merge Requests.

Note: Make sure the Configuration name is succinct and easily recognizable as it will be used at the project level to identify the correct ALM configuration.

Setting your project settings

Go to Administration > General Settings > Pull Request Decoration and select your Configuration name.

Multiple ALM instances

It's possible to decorate Pull Requests from multiple ALM instances. To do this, you can create a configuration (as shown in the previous section) for each of your ALM instances. That instance configuration can then be assigned to the appropriate projects.

As part of Developer Edition, you can create one configuration for each ALM.

As part of Enterprise Edition and above, you can create multiple configurations for each ALM.

Issue links

During pull request decoration, individual issues will be linked to their SonarQube counterparts automatically. However, for this to work correctly, the instance's Server base URL (Administration > Configuration > General Settings > General > General) must be set correctly. Otherwise the links will default to localhost.