Importing External Issues

This page lists analysis parameters related to the import of issues raised by external, third-party analyzers. For more other parameters, see Analysis Parameters.

SonarSource analyzers do not run your external analyzers or generate reports. They only import pre-generated reports. Below you'll find language- and tool-specific analysis parameters for importing reports generated by external analyzers.

In the Guides category of the SonarSource Community forum you might find instructions on generating these reports.

Some properties support the following wildcards in paths. The remarks for properties that support wildcards will mention that fact. If the remarks do not say wildcards are supported, then they are not.:

Symbol Meaning
? a single character
* any number of characters
** any number of directories

Unless otherwise specified, the following properties accept both absolute paths and paths relative to project root.

Language Property Remarks
Apex sonar.apex.pmd.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to PMD Apex XML reports
CSS sonar.css.stylelint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to reports
Go sonar.go.govet.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to GoVet reports
Go sonar.go.golint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to GoLint reports
Go sonar.go.gometalinter.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to GoMetaLinter reports
Go sonar.go.golangci-lint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to golangci-lint reports in checkstyle format (use --out-format checkstyle golangci-lint option)
Java Comma-delimited list of paths to reports from SpotBugs, FindSecBugs, or FindBugs
Java Comma-delimited list of paths to reports from PMD
Java Comma-delimited list of paths to reports from Checkstyle
JavaScript sonar.eslint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to JSON ESLint reports (use -f json ESLint option)
Kotlin sonar.androidLint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to AndroidLint reports
Kotlin sonar.kotlin.detekt.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to Detekt reports
Python sonar.python.pylint.reportPath Path to a Pylint report. Wildcards are supported
Python Deprecated sonar.python.pylint_config sonar.python.pylint By default SonarPython will execute the pylint command for you if you haven't specified the path to a PyLint report. Use sonar.python.pylint to use a pylint executable in a non-default location. The property must be set on windows (even for the default location), using either escaped backslashes, or single forward slashes (e.g. C:\\Python26\\Scripts\\pylint.bat, C:/Python26/Scripts/pylint.bat). Use sonar.python.pylint_config to specify the relative or absolute path to a non-default pylint configuration file.
Python sonar.python.bandit.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to Bandit reports
Ruby sonar.ruby.rubocop.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to Rubocop reports
Scala sonar.scala.scalastyle.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to Scalastyle reports
Scala sonar.scala.scapegoat.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to Scapegoat reports in the Scalastyle format
Swift sonar.swift.swiftLint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to SwiftLint reports in JSON format
TypeScript sonar.typescript.tslint.reportPaths Comma-delimited list of paths to TSLint reports in JSON format (use -t json TSLint option)

Notes on external .NET issues
Issues from third-party Roslyn analyzers (including Roslyn analyzers provided by Microsoft) are included in the MSBuild output and imported by default into SonarQube so no properties exist to enable that behavior. Instead, properties are available to adjust the import and to stop importing those issues.

Note that Roslyn issues with an error severity automatically fail the build, and it is not recommended to run the Scanner for MSBuild's end step if the MSBuild step fails for any reason because it will result in an essentially empty analysis, which will close all outstanding issues in the project.

Language Property Remarks
C# sonar.cs.roslyn.ignoreIssues Set to true to disable import of external issues. Defaults to false.
C# sonar.cs.roslyn.bugCategories sonar.cs.roslyn.vulnerabilityCategories sonar.cs.roslyn.codeSmellCategories Comma-delimited list of categories whose issues should be classified as Bugs, Vulnerabilities, or Code Smells.
VB.NET sonar.vbnet.roslyn.ignoreIssues Set to true to disable import of external issues. Defaults to false.
VB.NET sonar.vbnet.roslyn.bugCategories sonar.vbnet.roslyn.vulnerabilityCategories sonar.vbnet.roslyn.codeSmellCategories Comma-delimited list of categories whose issues should be classified as Bugs, Vulnerabilities, or Code Smells.